Cintec are conducting a comprehensive program of testing to evaluate the performance of the Blastec anchor system within a diverse series of masonry structures. This continuing program started in 1990’s with tests sponsored by the UK Security Service and other related international agencies.
Two identical 3m x 3m x 225mm (10ft x 10ft x 9in) solid masonry walls were constructed. One wall was reinforced by a number of Cintec Multibar anchors; the other was left unreinforced. Each wall was subjected to an explosion from a 6kg (18lbs TNT equivalent) charge at 1m (39in) stand off. The results clearly show the effectiveness of the Blastec solution.
Unreinforced and Reinforced Window and Wall Tie
Two further identical 3m x 3m x 225mm (10ft x 10ft x 9in) solid masonry walls each with a mild steel plate ‘window’ were constructed. One window used conventional mechanical bolts; the other was strengthened using Cintec Multibar Window anchors. Each wall was subjected to an explosion for a 6kg (18lbs TNT equivalent) charge at 1m (39in) stand off.
Reinforced and Unreinforced Hollow Block (CMU) Wall Test

Two identical 3m x 3m x 225mm (10ft x 10ft x 9in) hollow block (CMU) masonry walls were constructed. One wall was reinforced using Cintec Multibar anchors;
Blast pressures from small charges near to the target produce very high pressures: Further tests are planned using very large charges at greater standoff.